So we actually taught a hand full of lessons this week. 1st we taught a guy named Craig who we have been trying to get in contact with for about a month now. So we were walking into our area at about 2 pm, and once we got just inside of our area we stopped on the bridge where we crashed and stood there for about 30 minutes just trying to decide what we should do. So after about 30 minutes we started walking slowly again into our area. We had noticed a guy behind us a little ways back and didn't even think about it. So after about another 15 minutes of walking slowly we heard him yell something so we went back and talked to him and it turned out to be Craig!
So we walked over to a bus stop that we were at and sat with him. We talked for about 90 minutes. All of our conversation was basically answering a bunch of questions that he had. He had already had contact with missionaries in Detroit as well as in New York and now in Virginia! So he had a couple of simple questions about Joseph Smith and the first vision which we were able to answer with ease.
So he was like hold on, he pulled out his phone and called his pastor. He told him that he was with us right now and if he had one question what would it be. The pastor said that he didn't have any questions because we didn't have any real answers. We sat there like wow, what a mean dude. But about 2 minutes later his phone starts vibrating with a bunch of texts. So my initial thought was these questions are going to be super hard coming from a pastor, but they were actually the most frequent questions.
Explain the trinity. Super easy. Acts 7 talks about God and Jesus Christ standing on his right side. 2 The end of revelation said that there is no more scripture and that no one can add to it. We explained that this was written even before some of the other books in the bible, and as well that it says that in other books in the bible. Number three was just a stupid question that i think was supposed to just be a jab at us. It was, Have you reached the point of wearing magic underwear and why did Mitt Romney lose the election.
So it was easy to answer to answer those questions and he seems really promising. He said that he was going to come to church when we saw him on Saturday, but he wasn't there yesterday so that was kind of a bummer.
Our second lesson was with a guy named Tom. Tommy is a guy who was in the area book who i had never met before so we decided to try to go see him on Friday night. We had just got elder Wagner's bike back from the shop. So we were down checking on another investigator that we had and it turned out that he moved so that was a real bummer. We were right there and i had the thought to go by his house and see him. We were at his house for about 2 hours. He is a used car salesman and he talks really fast. So Thursday night, the day before we got there, he decided to read some of the Book of Mormon. So it was a tender mercy us showing up right at the right time.
We talked for a while on all different subjects. We couldn't keep it pointed in one certain direction. He is moving Tuesday morning and we are going to go help him. He doesn't quite know where he is going just yet. So he actually is a felon who was convicted like 5 times, but since cleaned up his life. He has a roommate that isn't doing the smartest things so he wants to get away from that. We are going to help him and hopefully he ends up still in our boundries. We also got to play some darts with him so that was pretty fun.
Our third lesson was with a guy on his doorstep. Taught the restoration to him, and we are going back next Sunday.
So my knee and elbow are still a little screwed up, just taking forever to heal. My bike didn't get any damage and for that i am really grateful. There is an elder who went through about 12 bikes on his mission. I don't want to end up like that. I think My suit at home still fits. I don't think i have tried it on in a while. Have dad try in on and if its to big for him then send it. I am always up for more ties. So if you are ever in Orem don't be afraid to get me some. I you see any paisly ties, get those :)
Im still jealous about the boat. Tell dad he cant sit there. That is mine. Don't you touch my chair! That's ok, i can wait another 18 months for it. I dont need to go to the dentist. Nothing hurts yet, and they are pearly white. kinda. Yes i brush my teeth and floss actually quite regularly so for that you should thank me. You finally got it through my thick skull.
We are still getting along really well which is good. i will definately send pics. We are going on a bike ride today and i will take a bunch.
I love you guys I'm glad everything is good at home. Enjoy that new boat, im sure you will. Thank you for your support in all that i do!
Love Elder Laing