We have had an awesome week. I am so happy that i have a good
companion. We get along really well. We are bros. Last Monday we
taught a lesson to our investigator Ryan. He is the 15 year old who is
on date for November 1st. We went over the laws and ordinances as well
as reviewed the baptismal interview questions again. He did really
well. Its really cool to see him moving forward the way that he is.
Tuesday we had our district meetings and ate at Carolina Bros. Its a
barbecue place which is owned by a less active in the ward and he
loves the missionaries so we eat for free. Delicious. Wednesday was
also another awesome day. We participated in the talent show that our
ward had. We did a synchronized sock puppet dance to the circle of
life. I know it sounds a little weird, but it was actually a lot of
fun and the members loved it. Ill try to send some of it. Tonight we
celebrated Elder Geohagans 21st birthday. Didn't really do anything
Thursday we had a lesson with Crystal. She wasn't quite sure if she
wanted to keep meeting with us. She said that she was thinking about
canceling our meetings all together. So we went in there not sure
exactly how it was going to go. We focused on the apostasy after
Christ and the apostles were killed and they need for a restoration.
We showed the 20 minute movie of the restoration which really brought
the spirit into the lesson. We then talked about baptism with her. She
was again very skeptical about it. We explained it as best we could.
We tried our very best and.....SHE ACCEPTED FOR NOVEMBER 15TH!!!! That
was about the 10th time we met with her and we have pushed hard for
it every time. Usually miracles like this always happen at the
beginning of transfers which proved itself again.
Friday was another fun day. Went and had lunch at Carolina bros again.
Went to the thrift store to see if they have anything good. Bought a
tie for a dollar. We then skyped a recent convert that elder Geohagan
works with. Tonight we saw a couple of members. We are trying to meet
with every member we are trying to collect their favorite scriptures.
We are going to be doing a presentation for the ward.
Saturday was another fun filled day. That morning we went to an older
ladies house and helped her move some stuff from her basement out to
where she was having a yard sale. We helped with that for about 2
hours. Ran over to Mcdonalds and got some breakfast, then went to
another members house and helped out moving them. They are moving to
the Ashburn ward. They moved into places that weren't even built yet
when i was there, amazing to see how much can change in a year.
That night we had the ward party. It was a lot of fun. We got to be
the chili judges and run some games. It was a lot of fun. We loved
being Mario and Luigi. We had people wanting to take pictures with us
so we got to do that a lot. I really do like the ward. They are a lot
of fun.
It was a really busy week. We taught a lot of online stuff as well. We
spent another good chuck of time doing that. We taught a total of 9
lessons and now have 2 people set for baptism. There is a really good
chance that i will leave on November 20th so these 2 are just in time.
Love you!!!
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